Ralph Waldo Emerson Elementary School has had a circus club on and off (off periods were due to the pandemic) since 2019. In 2022-2023, we began operating as a part of the Groad non-profit that runs all the after-school programs at Emerson. For the current 2024-2025 school year, we are still attempting to arrange for funding to continue the club. If that problem can be solved, we will get the word out and resume enrolling Ssudents through the Groad program. At that point the first step is for families to enroll with Groad and then fill out the online PYCA registration/waiver
When: Wednesdays from 2:00 – 3:30PM, starting August 30, 2023
Where: The Emerson Gymnasium
What: Students learn juggling of many types; balancing on tight-wire, rola-bola, stilts, unicycle, rolling globe; and acrobatic forms such as tumbling, human pyramids and mini-trampoline. Students work individually and in groups with experienced performer/artist/coaches.
Questions?: Call or text Jens at 480-444-8617 or write to jens@phxyouthcircus.org