(Information in Spanish below)
PYCA is thrilled to be able to have a circus club at Valencia Newcomers School (3802 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019) for the 2023-2024 school year. The program is made possible by a grant from the International Rescue Committee!

In circus club, students learn the basics of all the circus arts such as juggling (balls, rings, scarves, flower sticks, diabolos, hooping, poi), balancing (tight wire, rola bola, unicycling, stilt-walking), acrobatics (tumbling, partner acrobatics, human pyramids, mini-trampoline), and clowning! Students prepare acts to present at shows performed for the school community. Students from the club also are given the opportunity to join PYCA students from other schools in optional performances at public events and festivals throughout the year and throughout the Phoenix area. No prior experience is necessary to be in the club – only a desire to attend regularly, try new things, and work cooperatively and creatively with other circus students while learning how to perform.
Who can join the club?
All students in grades 3 and above can join. Participation is free of charge, but is limited to 25 students. Membership is a privilege – to retain that privilege, students must maintain good grades at school and good behavior and attendance at both school and club practice sessions. Parental permission is required – forms to register for the Valencia after-school program and circus club are available at school.
When does the club meet?
The club meets on Thursdays after school from 3:15 – 4:15PM in the school gymnasium. Students will have a bus available to return home at 4:15
The first meeting of the club this year will be on Thursday, September 21.
How to join the circus club:
- The school has its own form for all its after-school programs
- The circus club has its own form that also has to be filled out that is available in the school office or can be downloaded here (Form in English) (Form in Spanish)

Circus Club Coaches
Jens Larson

Director and founder of Phoenix Youth Circus Arts
Jens spent 19 years performing in circuses in the USA and around the world. He spent 14 years as a high school educator. He created PYCA in 2015 and became a circus educator! (Full bio, video links and pictures)
Meagan Carr

“Mea” has been teaching gymnastics at schools in Phoenix for several years and is also a juggler, flow artist, and aerialist. Meagan loves to see kids progress in their abilities as acrobats!
Stevie Smith

The amazing Stevie Smith has been performing all over the country as juggler, clown, and acrobat for almost 20 years. His specialty is his 4ft diameter rolling globe named “Lucille” on which he set a world record by walking and balancing for 25 hours straight! Stevie loves it when students challenge themselves and end up doing things they didn’t think they would be able to do (like walk on Lucille)!
Valencia Newcomer School Circus Club (Espanol)
PYCA está encantada de continuar un club de circo en Valencia Newcomer School (3802 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85019) este año escolar 2023-2024. El club consistirá de hasta 25 estudiantes de 3rd grado en adelante que se reunirán después de clases los jueves de 3:15 p. m. a 4:15 p. m. en el gimnasio de la escuela. ¡Este programa es posible gracias a una subvención de la Comité Internacional de Rescate!
En el club de circo, los estudiantes aprenden los conceptos básicos de todas las artes circenses, como malabares (pelotas, anillos, diábolos, aros, poi), equilibrio (funambulismo, rola bola, monociclo, zancos), acrobacias ( volteretas, acrobacias en pareja, pirámides humanas, minitrampolín) y ser un payaso. Los estudiantes preparan actos para presentar en espectáculos realizados para la comunidad escolar. Los estudiantes del club también pueden particapar con estudiantes de PYCA de otras escuelas en presentaciones opcionales en eventos públicos y festivales durante todo el año y en toda el área de Phoenix. No se necesita experiencia previa para estar en el club, solo el deseo de asistir regularmente, probar cosas nuevas y trabajar de manera cooperativa y creativa con otros estudiantes de circo mientras aprenden a actuar.
La participación en el club está limitada a 25 estudiantes en el grado 3 y superior. La membresía es un privilegio: para conservar ese privilegio, los estudiantes deben mantener buenas calificaciones en la escuela y buen comportamiento y asistencia a las sesiones de práctica tanto de la escuela como del club. Se requiere el permiso de los padres.
Cómo unirse al club de circo:
- La escuela tiene su propio formulario para todos sus programas extraescolares.
- El club de circo tiene su propio formulario que también hay que rellenar y que está disponible en la oficina de la escuala o se puede descargar aquí. (formulario en español)
¿Cuándo se reúne el club de circo?
El club se reúne los lunes después de clases de 3:15 a 4:15 p. m. en el gimnasio de la escuela. La primera reunión del club este año será el jueves 21 de septiembre.