New Circus Arts club at Emerson School – Help us make our matching grant!

Phoenix Youth Circus Arts and Emerson Elementary School were awarded an Arts Learning Collaboration Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts for the circus arts after-school program that began in September. Twenty-five kids in grades 3 – 8 and four circus coaches are working together to cover all the circus basics such as juggling, tumbling, wire-walking, and unicycling.

These weekly sessions will take the kids from complete beginners to performers in a show for their school community at an end-of-semester holiday concert in December.

The grant only covers 50% of the cost of the program, though. In order to raise the other 50%, we need to generate $2500 in educational tax-credit contributions from supportive neighbors and friends. This is where you can help!  You get to direct where up to $200 of your tax money gets sent ($400 for two people filing as a couple). If you follow the instructions below a great group of kids gets to thrive on circus arts – at no cost to you!

Any amount is appreciated – don’t worry if you are not able to “loan” us the full allowable amount – whatever you can contribute will come back to you off the bottom line of your taxes when you file your 2019 form with the State of Arizona – plus you can count the funds as a tax-deductible contribution on your federal taxes as well.

Helping out is easy – you can contribute by mailing a check to the district or by using a credit card. In either method, you need to specify the desired destination of the funds. To use a credit card, CLICK HERE

When you fill in the online form be sure to note that the destination of the funds is Emerson School, choose “other”, and then write in “circus club” as shown here:

If you choose to make a donation by mail, click below to a form which has conveniently been filled in to indicate the destination of the funds.

Emerson circus arts club tax credit contribution form

But that is not all. Our current grant only covers the period for September through December. In this time we can barely scratch the surface of all there is to learn and all the benefits to be had through circus arts. With the help of a starter grant from the Coronado Neighborhood Association and with adequate response to this appeal, we hope to continue the program throughout the year and have the kids take part in public performances – look for them at the Coronado Home Tour Festival in February 2020!

If you have any questions, please write to Jens. The kids at Emerson thank you for your support!

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