Have you or your child been involved in circus arts and want to take it to the next level? Maybe you have been in one of our after-school programs or attended our popular summer camp or met us through one of our public events or performances. Students age 11 and up can now join a group of other dedicated circus kids to practice and perform together.
Starting in January, 2025, youth interested in advancing their skills and having more performing opportunities can practice on Fridays from 4PM-6PM at the home of Aeroterra Arts. (3418 S 48th St suite 308 Phoenix, AZ 85040-1939) As in our regular classes, students will be able to work on juggling, balancing, acrobatics, and aerial arts – but we will emphasize collaboration with the ensemble into prepared pieces that can be used in public performances. This will develop into the “flagship” troupe for PYCA and the beginnings of an actual Phoenix Youth Circus!
PYCA coaches will lead the program, but guest artist/coaches will be brought in to add needed artistic and skill expertise. We are asking that families make a commitment for the first 5 months at a rate of $100/month. There will be some ability to work out special arrangements that might be needed for some families to participate if our enrollment is high enough. We will greatly need some to go above and beyond with donations to PYCA in order to fund scholarships.
How to enroll
- Write to Jens at jens@phxyouthcircus.org to direct your questions or indicate your interest
- To enroll in the troupe and make a payment for the first month, go to https://fundrazr.com/PYCtroupe. This is a new platform provided by TAPAZ which is primarily designed for fundraising. It has taken some time to have it work as a class registration and payment site. Feedback will be appreciated.
- Fill out the online class registration and waiver form (If you have already filled one out for a class during this school year, you don’t have to do that again)